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Rescuing homeless and unwanted animals in the worst areas of NYC
Interested in adopting or fostering one of our rescues? Help NYCARG save lives by opening your home to one of our furry friends in need! Email us at to learn more about our fostering and adoption services!

Name: Hugo (male)
Age: 2 years

Name: Paul (male)
Age: 4 years

Name: Anthony (Male)
Age: 5-6 years

Names: Romeo (male)
Age: 2-3 years

Name: Sheeba (female)
Age: 1- 1/2 years

Name: Fiona (female)
Age: 6 months (sibling to Skippy)

Name: Skippy (Male)
Age: 6 months (Sibling to Fiona)

Names: Marilyn Monroe & Grace Kelly
Age: 1 year and 2 years, Bonded

Name: Dancer (female)
Age: 1 1/2 years

Name: Clara (female)
Age: 1 1/2-2 years
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